Our Party
HCDP Committees
Steering Committee
Next Meeting:
Michael Doyle, Chair
The Steering Committee is an Advisory Committee to the County Chair. It also acts on behalf of the CEC in between meetings of the CEC as necessary to approve expenditures, adopt resolutions on behalf of the HCDP and perform other activities on behalf of the CEC. It also serves as the Agenda Committee for the CEC.
Next Meeting:
Katherine Weldon Mitchum, Chair
The Audit Committee shall review the books and records and accounts of the HCDP and no later than August 10 of each year, submit to the County Chair a written report of the results of its examination for the fiscal year ended on the immediately preceding December 31 (including a detailed report of compliance with or variances from the budget). The report also will be presented by the Audit Committee (in a non-public session) (i) to the CEC at its first meeting after August 10, for such action, if any, as the CEC deems necessary or appropriate in view of the report, including acting upon any recommendations contained in the report, and (ii) to the Steering Committee at its meeting immediately preceding such CEC meeting. The Audit Committee shall also perform such other functions, such as reporting to the CEC non-compliance by precinct chairs with CEC meeting attendance requirements, as the CEC or the County Chair direct may direct.
Precinct Chair Support Committee
Next Meeting:
Thursday March 27, 2025 7pm
Alan Guttman, Chair
Precinct Chair Support Committee's purpose will be to design, develop, and facilitate initiatives to maximize the effectiveness of precinct chairs and strengthen and recognize precinct chairs as the foundation of the Party, in areas including, but not limited to technology, standards and measurements; calendar of suggested activities; communications; and printing. The Schedule for 2025 is as follows:
Thursday March 27th, 2025, 7:00 PM at the Clocktower Building
Thursday June 26th, 2025, 7:00 via Zoom
Thursday September 25th at the Clocktower Building
December - TBA
Primary Committee
Next Meeting:
Mike Doyle, Chair (pursuant to Texas Election Code)
The Primary Committee shall carry out all those functions provided by State Law relating to the administration of the Party’s Primary. In addition, the Primary Committee shall make recommendations to the CEC regarding proposed changes to the Election Code for consideration by the CEC for action thereon.
Resolutions Committee
Next Meeting:
Maria Gonzales
The Resolutions Committee shall study proposed policy resolutions (that is, formal expressions of the position of the HCDP on issues of public concern) to be offered to the CEC. All proposed policy resolutions (which excepts administrative resolutions such as those necessary in the regular course of the CEC’s business) shall be submitted in writing to the Resolutions Committee at least two weeks in advance of a Steering Committee meeting. If recommended by the Resolutions Committee, the resolutions shall be forwarded to the Steering Committee. The Resolutions committee meets via Zoom on the 3rd Thursday of each month
Rules Committee
Next Meeting:
Rose Salas, Chair
The Rules Committee - Subject to approval by the CEC, the Rules Committee shall prepare the rules for the conduct of all meetings of the CEC. In addition, it shall from time to time review these rules and propose changes if it deems them advisable. The Rules Committee shall also receive, investigate, and consider complaints filed against precinct chairs. If deemed warranted, the Rules Committee shall, upon written notice, conduct a hearing affording the accused precinct chairs a fair opportunity to be heard. After the completion of the hearing, the Rules Committee shall make recommendations to the CEC concerning appropriate discipline, if any, to be imposed against a precinct chair who has violated the Rules of the HCDP, the TDP, or State Law. Disciplinary hearings will be conducted pursuant to the rules and procedures promulgated by the Rules Committee and approved by the Steering Committee. The Rules Committee meets via Zoom on the 2nd Wednesday of the month