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Harris County Democrats

Precinct Chair

Become a Precinct Chair

What is a Precinct Chair?

The position of Precinct Chair is a Democratic Party office, elected every two years in Democratic Primary elections. Each Precinct Chair represents the voting precinct in which he/she lives, and in our county serves on the Harris County Democratic Party (HCDP) County Executive Committee (CEC). A precinct with no precinct chair is referred to as a “vacant” precinct. Before and after primary elections, County parties may appoint precinct chairs to serve in vacant precincts.


As a Democratic Precinct Chair, you should be willing and able to:

  • Attend quarterly HCDP CEC meetings as a voting member.

  • Contact Democrats who live in your precinct, and remind them to vote in all elections.

  • Support Democratic candidates/officeholders on your precinct’s ballot.

  • Not openly endorse candidates/officeholders from any other political party.


As a Democratic Precinct Chair, you will be given priority if you wish to serve as an Election Judge at your polling location FOR THE PRIMARY ELECTION ONLY. However, Precinct Chairs are not required to be Election Judges.

How do I find my precinct?


Use the map below to find your residence, then click on your precinct to see if there is currently a Precinct Chair assigned. If your precinct doesn't currently have a Precinct Chair, we encourage you to apply for the position below! To search by address, click here.

Application for Precinct Chair Appointment

Use this application process to request that your Congressional District’s Democratic Party leadership nominate you for a precinct chair appointment to a vacant precinct. If you are not sure whether your precinct is vacant, check here to find out.


Thank you for your interest in becoming a Democratic Precinct Chair!


Your Personal Information

Full Name *

Address *

Political Information*

Confirm that you are a Democrat. You must be a Democrat to serve as a Democratic Precinct Chair.

You can find your precinct here: If you can't find the information there, please confirm your full address is entered above and we'll figure that out for you and get it to you. We'll also let you know if the Precinct Chair is open or filled.

You can find your Congressional District here: If you can't find this info, please confirm your full address is entered above and we'll figure that out with you.

Are you an elected official or candidate for county, state or federal office? If you are, then you cannot be a Precinct Chair.

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Message frequency will vary, and you will be able to Opt-out by replying “STOP”. For more information on how your data will be handled please visit our PRIVACY POLICY: 


Privacy Policy | Harris Democrats

Thank you for your submission.

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