Become a Precinct Captain
What is a Precinct Captain?
The position of Precinct Captain is a Democratic Party volunteer position. Each Precinct Captain either assists the current Precinct Chair with all of the organizing activities or serves as a leader and performs organizing activities in the assigned precinct. Precinct Captains cannot vote at the quarterly Harris County Democratic Party (HCDP) County Executive Committee (CEC). A precinct with no precinct chair is referred to as a “vacant” precinct.
As a Democratic Precinct Captain, you should be willing and able to:
Attend quarterly HCDP CEC meetings as a non-voting member.
Support the Precinct Chair in their organizing efforts (voter registration, phone bank, block walk, etc.)
Contact Democrats who live in your assigned precinct, and remind them to vote in all elections.
Support Democratic candidates/officeholders on your precinct’s ballot.
Not openly endorse candidates/officeholders from any other political party.
Application for Precinct Captain Appointment
**Before you use this form, please have a conversation with your precinct chair about your desire to work with them as this process requires approval from the precinct chair or in the case of a vacant precinct, the approval of the Senate District Chair is required.**
Use this application process to request that your Senatorial District’s Democratic Party leadership or Precinct Chair approve you as a Precinct Captain. A Precinct Captain appointment is to a specified precinct to assist a Precinct Chair or serve as the leader of a vacant precinct. If you are not sure whether your precinct is vacant, check here to find out. Your interest form will be circulated to the Precinct Chair or the Senate District chair for approval​.