Voting in Texas From Abroad
Are you a Texan living abroad?
Is your parent a Texas voter and will you be 18 by the next election? YOU CAN VOTE FROM ABROAD!
All you need to do is request your ballots every calendar year.
You can do this quickly and easily at www.VoteFromAbroad.org
Voters living outside the U.S. should use the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) to register and/or request their ballots (NOT the in-state Absentee Ballot By Mail). Using the FPCA gives you Federal protections, including being able to receive your ballot via email 45 days prior to each election. You will receive a FULL ballot, including state and local elections, if you select that you ‘Intend to return’ on the form. Otherwise, you’ll be sent a ballot for Federal elections only.
Ballots must be returned to Texas by postal mail, so request yours as early as possible, time after January 1st. Overseas voters use their last U.S. residence or that of their U.S. citizen parent as their voting address, regardless of how long they have lived outside the country.
To make certain you have the full 45 days to return your ballot, you can even request your ballot be sent to you via email (highly recommended!) Look for your ballots 45 days before each election and get them postal mailed back ASAP. You can refer to the detailed Ballot Return Instructions for more details.
For more information on the process of voting in Texas from outside the U.S., please contact Texans Abroad at TX@democratsabroad.org or visit www.democratsabroad.org/tx-usa.
You can also use these helpful guides:
Guide to Voting in Texas from Abroad
Spanish Guide - Guía para Votar en Texas
Texas Ballot Return Instructions
FPCA sample for Texas